The large suspended platform with personnel present sensor covers the complete cabin area, this allows the operator to locate the most comfortable operating position throughout the shift. The cushioned platform absorbs vibration and the low step height helps to reduce operator fatigue.
The truck controls are positioned so that the operator walk through area is maximised for optimised picking from either side of the aisle
The four performance settings allow the truck to be configured to suit operator and application requirements. In pedestrian mode the ‘creep speed’ function allows the operator to walk alongside the truck to the next picking location. Whilst the AC drive motor delivers smooth progressive acceleration, travel speed and braking.
The coasting and fork lift/lower function buttons located on both sides of the truck allow the operator to walk alongside the truck and lift/lower the forks without being on board helping to reduce operator fatigue and increase productivity. The operator cabin can travel horizontally and vertically simultaneously to reduce the time taken to reach the next pick location on machines operating in guided aisles.
The MOSFET control provides proportional handling for lifting/lowering of the cab and supplementary lift. Hose break valves prevent lowering in the event of a line break when a manual lowering valve allows emergency cab lowering.